Monday, April 2, 2012

Video: Protests send strong signal in Martin case

>>> latest on the trayvon martin case . tensions were on display again today in sanford, florida, where thousands of protestors marched, demanding the arrest of george zimmerman . ron allen has our report.

>> reporter: the nation's civil rights leaders have vowed to make the city of sanford's name as infamous as selma and birmingham were in the 1960s for racial injustice. as hundreds once again converged on the place where george zimmerman gunned down trayvon martin 31 days ago and claimed self-defense.

>> we'll use sanctions. we'll use boycotts. we'll use civil disobedience . we'll use every weapon in a nonviolent arsenal.

>> reporter: in a rare public comment, trayvon's older brother said he does not believe zimmerm zimmerman 's relatives, who claim his brother threatened to kill the crime watch volunteer.

>> doesn't sound like my proer at all.

>> reporter: this week, he insisted his brother had to fire to save his own life.

>> and there would have been george dead had he not acted in that moment.

>> i think we just need to relax a little bit.

>> reporter: julie tongs just said what many feel here in the place many call the friendly city. merchants say business is down and residents want the martin tragedy revolved by investigators, not on their streets.

>> i feel sorry for the family, and the kid that he's passed away, but enough's enough.

>> we came because the parents asked us to come.

>> reporter: and one person who encouraged protesters to come was this freshman and trayvon's high school .

>> he came from our school and he was friends with a lot of people and people were really close to him. he was like family.

>> reporter: just a short time ago, zimmerman 's attorney told nbc news his client is not a racist, that he's been cooperating with authorities and added once again, that zimmerman acted in self-defense and that florida's stand your ground law applies in this case.

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