Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mesothelioma Info You Need to Know | Mesothelioma Attorney ...

Mesothelioma cancer is caused by exposure to asbestos which is a construction material known for its anti-corrosive, heat resistance, strength, flexibility, and many more. As useful as it is dangerous, most companies that use this material haven?t done anything to protect its workers from exposure. A lot of workers exposed to asbestos aren?t even aware that they have been exposed to asbestos and the health risks it causes. If you suspect that you or someone you love has been exposed to asbestos, here are some mesothelioma info that you need to know.

It was on the early 1900?s that the mining, processing, manufacture and use of asbestos became widely prevalent. ?Asbestos is widely used as a component to many different construction materials like rooves, tiles, walls, and many more. It was not so long that asbestos workers started experiencing symptoms of an unusual lung disease called mesothelioma. During 1930?s, asbestos factories in Britain began to suspect the relation of manufacturing asbestos and the said disease. They conducted a research but failed to prove the connection. In 1950?s, Chris Sleggs and Chris Wagner, together with Ian Webster, conducted a thorough research about this lung disease. It was in the late 1950?s that the relationship of asbestos and mesothelioma was finally established and documented.

Asbestos dust is a waste product produced during the manufacture and use of asbestos products. Sleggs, Wagner, and Webster discovered that asbestos dust can spread through the air and easily enter the body when the dust is accidentally ingested or inhaled. The dust settles in the outer lining of the lungs called pleura. It can wound or irritate the pleural membrane making the pleura prone to infection and causing abnormal growth of cells (cancer). When cancer cells develop in the pleura, they can easily travel throughout the body by our lymphatic system. It can even reach the outer lining of the heart and stomach.

Malignant Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma cases are categorized into different types. Its severity is categorized to different stages. During stage I and II, cancer cells only affect one body part, usually the lungs. These stages have the most favorable prognosis and have the best life expectancy. Stages III and IV are very severe cases which has very low life expectancy. These stages affect two or more internal organs.

There are three types of cancer cells causing mesothelioma:

  • Epithelioid ? this type of cancer cells are found in the outer lining of our internal organs called mesothelium; this has the best prognosis.
  • Sarcomatoid ? cancer cells of this type affect the bones, tissues, muscles and cartilage.
  • Mixed or Biphasic ? it is the presence of the first two types of cancer cells.

There are also three types of mesothelioma cancer according to the organ it affected:

  • Pleural mesothelioma ? it is the most common type of mesothelioma; it affects the pleural membrane.
  • Peritoneal mesothelioma ? this is where the cancer cells affects the stomach and intestines.
  • Pericardial mesothelioma ? is the most rare and severe type of mesothelioma; it affects the outer lining of the heart.

Mesothelioma Signs and Symptoms

One of its main problems of mesothelioma cancer is its long latency period. Mesothelioma symptoms appear 25 ? 50 years after exposure to asbestos. What makes this disease harder to diagnose is the similarity of its symptoms to other lung diseases like influenza or pneumonia. The following are the most common mesothelioma symptoms:

  • Chest wall pain
  • Dysphasia
  • Hemoptysis or blood in the sputum
  • Dry cough
  • Pleural effusion or fluid in the lungs
  • Shortness of breath
  • Night sweats
  • Anemia
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Unexplained weight loss

It is very hard to diagnose mesothelioma cancer. You have to go through a lot of diagnostic tests like CT scans, MRI, PET scans and X-rays. However, these methods are not enough detect mesothelioma accurately. The best way to diagnose mesothelioma is through a biopsy test.? A biopsy test is where a sample of the fluid or tumor is extracted and tested to determine if the affected organ has cancer or not.

Mesothelioma Treatment

The cure for mesothelioma is still unknown. Available treatments cannot cure the disease. It can only improve the patient?s life expectancy and reduce the symptoms. The most favorable mesothelioma treatment to increase life expectancy is the multimodal technique. This method is the combination of different cancer treatments like surgery, chemotherapy, radiology and so on. There are experimental modalities that are not yet proven to be safe and effective but offer very promising results in treating the mesothelioma. These experimental treatments include Immunotherapy, Gene therapy, photodynamic therapy, hormonal therapy and ozone therapy.

Aside from these medical treatments, patients also rely on a wide variety of alternative treatments to help reduce the symptoms and improve quality of life. Alternative treatments used for mesothelioma include herbal therapy, acupressure, homeopathy, naturopathy, and many more.

Mesothelioma Attorneys

Mesothelioma cancer is a devastating disease. It has a very unfavorable prognosis and patient?s life expectancy is short, only 1 to 5 years. It does not only affect your life but your family?s future as well. When you are diagnosed with mesothelioma cancer, you protect yourself and your family. You must consider your legal options to help support your treatment and your family.

You can file a complaint or a lawsuit against the company that exposed you to asbestos. However, the process is not going to be easy. First, you?ll need to get all the documents you need to help support your claim. Then you?ll need to hire a good mesothelioma lawyer. ?Do not worry if you have no money to hire a lawyer. Most asbestos attorneys understand situation of their clients. They usually accept cases under contingency plans. If you win, the company will shoulder all the legal and medical expenses you have incurred.

Here is the mesothelioma info that you need to know. Now you have all the information you need about mesothelioma and you can make informed decisions when you do get this disease.

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