Thursday, October 17, 2013

2013 Japanese Grand Prix team radio transcript | 2013 Japanese Grand Prix

Marco Schupbach
Nico Hulkenberg[1]
15 minutes to go
Francesco Nenci
Esteban Gutierrez[2]
10 minutes
Ayao Komatsu
Romain Grosjean[3]
OK can we have pit lane speed limiter off please. For the formation lap start we’re going to have two static bite point and second gear KERS release. All your procedures. And before the start we do two rolling bite points and then four burnouts. Just keep it short and leave enough time in between.
Marco Schupbach
Nico Hulkenberg[4]
So remember step [distorted] as soon as the blankets are off. And then there will be recovery ten at one point during the formation lap, per call, and also to go backeventually. Everything else as per programme.
Peter Bonnington
Lewis Hamilton[5]
For your information Nico’s laps to the grid he found it initially on the nose so he took one degree of front wing out, then thought it went a bit too much to understeer balance, but the tyres weren’t in the working window, and that will help the issue a bit. I think we saw on our own laps we’re happy with takinganother half-a-turn off.
Lewis Hamilton[6]
Peter Bonnington
So has he kept a full hole out, yeah?
Peter Bonnington
Lewis Hamilton[7]
Negative, he’d come back up, he’s put the hole back in.
Lewis Hamilton[8]
Peter Bonnington
They overall take two holes out like we did?
Peter Bonnington
Lewis Hamilton[9]
They’ve made their standard race adjust which is more than us, obviously they’ve taken more than three, three-and-a-half holes.
Lewis Hamilton[10]
Peter Bonnington
We’re two-and-a-half holes down.
Lewis Hamilton[11]
To Bono and Lewis, I’m just butting in here. Nico’s actiually six-and-a-half turns down from his end of qualifying run. But we are seeing that those top turns don’t really do a great deal. We are three-and-a-half turns down, which is two-and-a-half turns in balance because obviously the front’s lower with this weight on it. We are two-and-a-half turns down on aero balance, three-and-a-half absolute.
Lewis Hamilton[12]
Peter Bonnington
Let’s take another half a hole out as we discussed and I’ll come down on my diff.
Simon Rennie
Mark Webber[13]
For your info track temperature is starting to drop a little already. It’s now three degrees cooler than P2 but it is going to get a bit lower, OK? And as usual we’ll assume everyone’s on [medium], I’ll tell you if anyone of interest is on [hards].
Paul Davison
Jules Bianchi[14]
Back to P1 for a couple of seconds andthen P2 again.
Simon Rennie
Mark Webber[15]
Everybody on [mediums] apart from Ricciardo in P16 and Pic at the back. Normal procedure once we’ve fired up, want to go KERS seven, eight, seven. And then when we put you on the ground with 30 seconds to go there’ll be one static bite point. You’ll need to be hard on the brakes.
Marco Schupbach
Nico Hulkenberg[16]
Warm up tyres and brakes, learn all gears.
Peter Bonnington
Lewis Hamilton[17]
Reminder: We’ve going to be doing two burnouts out of turn 11. So keep working those tyres and getting some energy in the brakes. Rear brakes are still cold.
Marco Matassa
Daniel Ricciardo[18]
All the gears are synchronised.
Juan Pablo Ramirez
Giedo van der Garde[19]
Cool engine from exit hairpin. So you can get 70% throttle but stay as much high gears and low rev please.
Sebastian Vettel[20]
All systems are good so usual reminders it’s bite point learn and one burn-out. We need good clutch prep so straight to your box, focus on KERS at the start and KERS eight when you stop.
Peter Bonnington
Lewis Hamilton[21]
You’re going to stop in your box, steering straight, brake balance for turn one. You’re going to a bite point find then you’re going to do neutral, then RS modes, and you can hold overtake to keep temps down.
Sebastian Vettel[22]
Guillaume Rocquelin
Check the front, potential front wing damage, you have to have a look. Front left.
Jules Bianchi[23]
Paul Davison
Bianchi was hit by Van der Garde at the first corner and bother retired.
OK I’m out.
Paul Davison
Jules Bianchi[24]
No reply broadcast.
Are you OK, mate?
Guillaume Rocquelin
Sebastian Vettel[25]
At the moment from data and visually it looks OK. Stay out.
Tim Wright
Charles Pic[26]
Pic had been given a drive-through penalty before the race even started and served it on the first lap of the race.
Box this lap, Charles. Drive through the pit lane this lap. Toggle down.
Peter Bonnington
Lewis Hamilton[27]
Hamilton had to pit with a right-rear puncture on the first lap following contact with Vettel at the start.
Right-rear puncture. We’re going to be switching to the [hard] tyre for a long stint. We’re going to go down one-and-a-half turns
Peter Bonnington
Lewis Hamilton[28]
Lead pack are in 130R at the moment.
Tony Ross
Nico Rosberg[29]
Just controlling those rear temperatures, 16.5
Gary Gannon
Max Chilton[30]
Temps are on target. You can look after the front in turn one under the yellow.
Brad Joyce
Adrian Sutil[31]
Rear tyre temperature high. Track is clear turn one.
Lewis Hamilton[32]
Peter Bonnington
What happened?
Peter Bonnington
Lewis Hamilton[33]
We’re going to have to review the data, we’ll get back to you.
Peter Bonnington
Lewis Hamilton[34]
Yellow, yellow. We are going to lap 19 so target lap 19.
Tony Ross
Nico Rosberg[35]
Yellow flags were re-deployed at turn one while the Bianchi/Van der Garde crash was cleared.
Gone yellow again in turn one so DRS is disabled again.
Phil Charles
Jean-Eric Vergne[36]
Track clear.
Tim Wright
Charles Pic[37]
Track is clear. Use the race KERS pattern not the qualifying pattern.
Rob Smedley
Felipe Massa[38]
Alonso was immediately pressuring Massa to pass him after the DRS zone was enabled.
Fernando should have the DRS.
Lewis Hamilton[39]
Peter Bonnington
How bad is my pace? Car doesn’t feel right.
Peter Bonnington
Lewis Hamilton[40]
Looks like we’re missing some aero performance so looks like we’re about a second down.
Lewis Hamilton[41]
Peter Bonnington
Yeah, the car’s all over the place.
Simon Rennie
Mark Webber[42]
Brake balance one click forwards.
Tim Wright
Charles Pic[43]
You are 16 seconds behind Chilton but you are nearly two seconds a lap quicker at the moment.
Guillaume Rocquelin
Sebastian Vettel[44]
From an early stage Vettel began saving his tyresso he could attack later on.
You’re currently plus four to Rosberg. It’s worth dropping back to save your tyres. Two second gap is good.
Tony Ross
Nico Rosberg[45]
Target five at the end of this lap. Continue trying to get a gap to Massa, gap is 1.5 at the moment.
Romain Grosjean[46]
Ayao Komatsu
There’s too much rear.
Ayao Komatsu
Romain Grosjean[47]
OK, copy that.
Simon Rennie
Mark Webber[48]
We need to start looking after the rear tyres. If you cannot pass Grosjean, make a two second gap, we’ll close it up closer to the pit stops.
Tim Wright
Charles Pic[49]
We need to use the race KERS pattern. Turn 11 25%, turn 14 50%, turn 18 25%.
Rob Smedley
Felipe Massa[50]
This was a coded message telling Massa to let Alonso past. It was repeated the second time with very clear enunciation. But Massa didn’t obey and it took until lap 20 for Alonso to find a way past his team mate.
Multifunction strategy A. Multifunction strategy A. Now, please.
Dave Robson
Jenson Button[51]
Box this lap.
Jenson Button[52]
Dave Robson
Box this lap, up one turn.
Peter Bonnington
Lewis Hamilton[53]
The garage is clear so you can pull straight into the garage. The guys will guide you in.
Tony Ross
Nico Rosberg[54]
Like Pic, Rosberg appeared to be not using the ideal KERS deployment pattern for the race.
You are in your Safety Car window and do not boost out of turn seven, not in the race schedule, not good.
Lewis Hamilton[55]
Peter Bonnington
Hamilton pulled into the pits to retire due to the damage sustained at the start.
Sorry guys.
Peter Bonnington
Lewis Hamilton[56]
Not your fault Lewis, looks like you got tagged by Vettel’s front wing.
Ayao Komatsu
Romain Grosjean[57]
Your lap time is good. Target plus minus zero.
Mark Temple
Sergio Perez[58]
How are the tyres and balance?
Sergio Perez[59]
Mark Temple
At the moment it’s OK. I am starting to lose the rears. But at the moment it’s OK. I think we stick to plam.
Mark Temple
Sergio Perez[60]
OK, understood Checo. We’ll monitor the cars that have pitted behind. We may decide to swap to Plan B but at the moment we’re still on Plan A.
Brad Joyce
Adrian Sutil[61]
Maldonado pitted and came out ahead of Sutil.
You’ll be racing Maldonado.
Simon Rennie
Mark Webber[62]
Engine 21.
Marco Schupbach
Nico Hulkenberg[63]
No reply broadcast.
Nico I go minus three clicks for [hard], OK?
Tony Ross
Nico Rosberg[64]
We’re thinking of going Plan B at the moment.
Nico Rosberg[65]
Tony Ross
[Distorted] I need to know what to do.
Tony Ross
Nico Rosberg[66]
This interesting coded message was heard more than once during the race.
So target three, important to pull the gap to Massa, currently 1.8 seconds. So Nico if you’re feeling comfortable like some hoagie 25s, just to help on fuel.
Simon Rennie
Mark Webber[67]
Box, Mark.
Mark Slade
Kimi Raikkonen[68]
Box this lap, please Kimi. Clutch 11. It will be tight with Button on the exit.
Simon Rennie
Mark Webber[69]
You’ll be close to Ricciardo at pit exit.
Mark Slade
Kimi Raikkonen[70]
Button’s behind you.
Sergio Perez[71]
Mark Temple
OK, box.
Mark Temple
Sergio Perez[72]
And let’s give it everything, let’s really push on the in-lap.
Simon Rennie
Mark Webber[73]
Grosjean is in this lap.
Dave Robson
Jenson Button[74]
Racing Checo at the exit.
Simon Rennie
Mark Webber[75]
Gaps are safe. Start to look after the rear tyres now.
Sergio Perez[76]
Mark Temple
Rosberg left the pits in front of Perez who had to avoid the Mercedes. Rosberg later got a penalty.
What happened with that Mercedes?
Mark Temple
Sergio Perez[77]
I don’t know Checo, we have spoken to the FIA.
Marco Schupbach
Nico Hulkenberg[78]
Could race Alonso out of the pits… OK, he’s behind.
Guillaume Rocquelin
Sebastian Vettel[79]
Alright Sebastian keep going, good job. That’s extending your window, that’s very helpful, good job.
Mark Webber[80]
Simon Rennie
What’s the multi, mate?
Simon Rennie
Mark Webber[81]
Toggle KERS, multi two.
Tony Ross
Nico Rosberg[82]
Rear tyres worn down to 40% at the end of that stint.
Paul di Resta[83]
GianPiero Lambiase
The front’s locking.
GianPiero Lambiase
Paul di Resta[84]
KERS three and rearward brake balance if you need to, Paul.
Simon Rennie
Mark Webber[85]
Look for the two-second gap again.
Guillaume Rocquelin
Sebastian Vettel[86]
Obviously Sebastian, Grosjean and Webber got the undercut, they’re still ahead of you. But you’re creeping up on them, OK. It’s all working to plan. Good job.
Sebastian Vettel[87]
Guillaume Rocquelin
Let me know the pace, please.
Guillaume Rocquelin
Sebastian Vettel[88]
Gary Gannon
Max Chilton[89]
Max two and try diff mid seven.
Tony Ross
Nico Rosberg[90]
We need you to box this lap for a drive-through.
Mark Temple
Sergio Perez
Tags: Janet Yellen   Raz B  

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