Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Using Twitter for Effective Business Marketing : FreeMarket Media ...

Twitter is a social media platform that lets users communicate with their audience through 160 character messages, called Tweets. In today?s busy world, not everybody has the time to engage with traditional marketing material but when you use Twitter it?s possible to reach thousands of people, in the same space as a text message.

Marketing through Twitter involves a different skill set from traditional activities, as a social platform it lets your audience communicate with you like never before. Better still Twitter marketing lets your market engage with your brand.

It?s important that when you define your Twitter Business Marketing strategy that you keep this in mind, so let?s have a look at some case studies of the companies that have made a real success story from their Twitter campaigns.


Jeep?s campaign was pretty complicated; their Twitter feed offered their audience clues that would lead them to other Twitter profiles to find new clues. The user had to follow the campaign through 36 different profiles to be able to win a car. It worked though, big fans of the brand enjoyed the challenge and the thought of a great prize meant that they felt they?d earned their chance to win.


Orange are a mobile phone service provider in the UK, they ran a Twitter Hashtag (a hashtag is where each tweet contains a word or phrase that starts with a hash ? e.g. in this case it was #singingtweetograms) campaign. In this case their users could make an interesting tweet and if it was picked out by Orange ? they had professional singers record the message and then they tweeted it back to the sender.


Levis ran a completely different type of competition; they tweeted out hints to the location of two people in a city. Once users found them, they had to ask them to take off their trousers which won them a new pair of jeans.

Canada Loves the US

The Canadian tourist board didn?t just stay online when they wanted to win over American visitors to the country. They asked Canadians to Tweet about the fun they were having in the country, and then they took the best Tweets and displayed them on interactive billboards in the US.

Whole Foods

Whole Foods have over 1.3 million followers on Twitter! That?s 1.3 million customers they interact with on a regular basis, and that?s over 150 Twitter accounts too. The company wanted their customers to talk to them about their questions and needs, and started with a general account ? when they realized that people wanted specialist advice they created those channels too. So there?s a Cheese Twitter channel for folk who really like Cheese, and a Wine Twitter channel for those who want something to go with it.

The secret to a great Twitter campaign is simple, it has to capture the imagination of your followers, enable them to interact in a positive way with your brand and most of all your Twitter campaign needs to reflect your brand values ? in Jeep?s case this was creativity and problem solving, for Orange it?s communication, for Levis it?s fun, and for Canada it was the people who live there and in the example of Whole Foods it was specialization to differentiate.


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Apps Round-up From The Streets Of Barcelona

iPhone-4s-AppsWe've been trawling Barcelona for apps and startups during Mobile World Congress, so here's a little round-up of some of those that have been plying their wares - many of whom don't have the cash to exhibit at the official Congress, but who are pitching like mad in the hotel bars of Barcelona. BearCare from Tagofjoy is an Augmented Reality game with a freemium business model. In the game you have to protect your beloved helpless Teddy Bear and cuddle him to keep him happy (go with it, it gets better). The fun part is that it takes place in a real environment, which is blended with lively and playful 3D bears. The games ha two modes. One is a fast-paced action game, in which you have to protect your helpless bear from unearthly, evil toy bears. Another mode lets you take care of him and keep him happy by cuddling him, playing with him and feeding him when he gets hungry. It's a Tamagotchi basically, but re-done for a new world. PlayTales is a an interesting virtual store and publishing platform. It publishes interactive children?s ebooks in 7 languages on Android, iPad, iPhone, Windows Phone and soon a flash web site. It's basically a dream come true for parents who want to read stories to their kids on an iPad. Mafuta Go! is a one from left field for you. Coming out of Uganda, this is an app that lets users find the nearest gas station with the cheapest prices. Should you need that. It's worth also pointing out that Swiftkey, which we've covered before, won the official GMA award for most innovative app, beating Google Wallet. Here's a few others:


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[unable to retrieve full-text content]An iPad has become one of the most versatile items to own. There are many things that can be accomplished with one of these devices. Now families can spend. ? Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic ?. Crafts & Hobbies (27), Entertaining (113), Gardening & Horticulture (6), How-to & Home Improvements (58), Interior Design (29), Sewing (12), Weddings (138), Home and Family (3378), Adolescent Care (103), Adoption Foster Care (151), Antiques (102), Babies Toddler ?


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Monday, February 27, 2012

HYBRID CAR Guide: Business to Business Direct Marketing Basics ...

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

California may have a say in the Republican contest

When California pushed back its presidential primary to June to save money, the declarations came swiftly: The state's 5 million GOP voters would be bystanders to a race that was widely expected to be decided long before then.

It was a variation on a complaint made for decades ? behemoth California left with no voice while pipsqueak states have all the fun.

But now, as the Republican contest to take on President Obama has slogged on far longer than most expected, there is at least an outside chance that California could have a decisive role when voters head to the polls June 5.

And the presidential field is starting to notice. Though politicians typically flock to California to raise money from the state's deep-pocketed donors, they are now coming to town for politicking as well, notably at this weekend's state GOP convention.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is slated to speak to the party's most committed activists Saturday at a luncheon. Mitt Romney is dispatching a top surrogate, former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, to speak at a dinner Saturday alongside Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee.

"That is a recognition of California's prominence on the national stage," said Ron Nehring, the former state party chairman. He, like many party insiders, says it still remains likely that the race will be decided by June, but months of wild turns mean anything is possible.

"This cycle has defied all expectations," Nehring said. "There's a tendency among pundits to take what the current trend lines are and project them forward, and that is exactly what has not happened at every point in this process."

California's Democratic streak has led nominees to resolutely ignore the state during general elections. Primaries have long offered the most promising action, but the traditional June date kept the state on the sidelines. Even when it moved forward in recent cycles, the results were mixed. In 2008, the state was among 24 that voted for president Feb. 5, on Super Tuesday. Romney concluded a cross-country jaunt with a rally in Long Beach on the eve of the primary. Arizona Sen. John McCain ended up winning nearly all of the state's delegates, part of a Super Tuesday romp that forced Romney from the race.

But last year, in an effort to save millions of dollars, the Legislature voted to consolidate California's presidential primary with June's legislative races, meaning it would be among the last states to weigh in on the nominating process. Some accused Democrats of intentionally trying to disenfranchise California Republicans, but the move was supported by legislators on both sides of the aisle.

So this time around, California's fate will once again rest with other states. Michigan and Arizona voters will head to the polls Tuesday, Washington state will hold caucuses March 3 and on March 6 almost a dozen states will vote, including delegate-rich Georgia, Ohio and Tennessee.

Political experts say Romney's performance in Michigan ? the state where he was born and his father was a popular three-term governor ? will be critical.

"We'll have a much better sense after next Tuesday. If Romney is not able to hang on and win Michigan, that almost guarantees a contested primary all the way till California," said Dan Schnur, director of the Jesse M. Unruh Institute of Politics at USC.

The former GOP political operative noted that the party specifically changed its rules to extend the primary season, in part by requiring the earliest states to award delegates proportionally, rather than giving them in a bloc to the winner.

"Combine those new rules with a relatively weak front-runner [in Romney] and an unusually determined set of challengers, and you've got all the ingredients for a contested California primary," he said.

Polling shows that the contest is tight in California, with voters generally reflecting the national mood. A Field Poll released Wednesday showed Romney with 31%, Santorum surging to 25% and Gingrich falling to 12%. Ron Paul received the support of 16% of voters.

The way the state allocates its 172 delegates could lead to interesting strategies if California proves important. The winner of each of the state's 53 congressional districts will receive three delegates, with the remainder determined by the statewide vote. That means that careful, sophisticated targeting could result in substantial delegate pick-ups.

A heavily Democratic congressional district will award just as many delegates as a heavily Republican district, meaning that campaigns could try to save money by targeting the fewer voters in less-Republican districts with mailers and phone calls, said GOP strategist Rob Stutzman.

"There are as many delegates coming out of Maxine Waters' [Democratic] district as there are out of Dana Rohrabacher's" Republican district, he said.

Stutzman is not aligned with a candidate in the current race, but worked for Romney in 2008, when the campaign drew up a plan ? never implemented ? to target districts with fewer GOP voters.

Romney "could blow the dust off the plan that was done four years ago," he said. "It's a very affordable tactic."


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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Why Women Should Get Married ? The Girl Revolution

I?ve been reflecting on marriage lately.

I have many friends who have chosen not to get married. They have been in marriage relationships that have all the fixin?s of a ?real? marriage, but they have not held a ceremony or signed any legal documents. They don?t want to be ?defined by the marriage? or they don?t want to make such a serious commitment with this particular person.

The don?t want to get so invested that they?ll get hurt is closer to the truth.

Like this woman who wrote All the Single Ladies, which tries to make romance and marriage academic. What she is really doing, in my opinion, is waiting to put herself out there for some promise of perfection or some ideal man who will ?be her equal in every way.? Which, because relationships are between?fallible?and ever-changing humans, does not exist whether you marry someone or just shack up with them. Not choosing is choosing by default.

The funny thing is that as years past you do?become invested with this other person. If, of course, you have the emotional guts to get involved with another human being for any duration. Financially and emotionally invested. If you have children then you are inextricably tied to the other person. Whether male or female you end up being in some way, whether emotionally or financially, dependent on your partner whether you marry them or not. To think you won?t is self-delusion.

Marriages and?pseudo-marriages don?t always work out. As I witness marriages and?pseudo-marriages?dissolve some realities strike me.

Those in pseudo-mariages are just as hurt and equally angry. They have to start over and redefine?their?lives in the exact same way as those with legit marriages. The grief cycle is identical. The attachments they shared with the partner, the compromising, the sacrificing, the?dependency?are mirror images of legal marriages. If they have children, the children are impacted by both dissolutions of the partnership in very similar ways. In other words, not marrying and not making ?the commitment? did nothing to shelter them emotionally.

The difference, from what I can tell, is that with the legal document there is economic protection. Those who didn?t marry, but invested in their significant relationship for over 10 years, did not accrue their partner?s social security points while they took time off to raise children. If?their?partner chose to take back property given them for birthdays and anniversaries, there is little recourse. If there are children shared, the custodial partner may qualify for child support, but spousal support is non-existent even if they were financially dependent.

This is on top of the years spent in the relationship where they might have gotten insurance benefits and marriage tax credits from being married.

Gay people, for instance, though they do not have access to the legal protection, do not have any immunity to being entangled in the other partner?s life in every way. Nor are they exempt from the emotional trauma of a break-up. If for no other reason, this should be enough to allow them ?the legal protection that marriage provides.

Surely not every relationship is marriage-worthy. But, in my assessment it?s simply a good financial gamble as long as women take measures to protect themselves.

The only way to protect yourself from any emotional wounds at all is to wrap yourself in a?cocoon?and refuse to participate in any and all relationship commitments. But, if you choose that you also insulate yourself from intimacy. No Risk = No Reward. To me, even if it doesn?t end in Happily Ever After, it?s a bold and radical act to jump into the deep end in a relationship and give it your all.

Related posts:

  1. Model Marriage
  2. Marriage & Courage
  3. Econonomica: Women and the Global Economy
  4. Women Invented Language, Equal Pay is Stupid & Smart Women Don?t Run for Office
  5. We Vow Now


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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Video: Landmark Ohio bridge demolished

The Fort Steuben Bridge, more than 83-years-old, was brought down Tuesday in Steubenville, Ohio. Brian Williams reports.

>>> it was a landmark ever since it opened in 1928 , and it came down in violent, swift fashion today. the bridge over the ohio river that was for decades the primary link between ohio and west virginia came down in a beautifully executed controlled explosion early this morning. it was replaced years ago by a nearby wider, more modern span. and of course, all good things must come to an


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Limo Service for a Fairy Tale Wedding - Travel - EzineMark

Imagine your wedding as a fairy tale, beautiful, and larger-than-life. You step out of a white stretch limo, in a gorgeous flowing gown, catching attention of every spectator, onto the red carpet to the memorable day with your better half. Booking transportation would be a minuscule concern in your mind amidst the mammoth task of wedding planning without getting overwhelmed. But since you are doing 100% to make an unforgettable occasion nothing can add a more luxuriant touch than the having a limousine to drive you to the church.

Here are a few bullets to keep in mind while selecting your wedding limo rental. Check online for all Limousine service providers in your vicinity. Research them well ahead of your wedding day, preferably 6-8 weeks earlier, to get the limo you want. If you book too close to the event, you might not get the model you want.

If you have already selected a wedding theme, you can match your limo according to the theme and order personalized an antique model or Rolls Royce or SUV.


ompare the rental range and the deposit for the ones you like, and then proceed to check on their fleet to find what model you want. Check in on the little services complimentary with their offer, notably the champagne in the limo for the would-be couple, and red-carpet when you step out at the venue. Many wedding limo services usher you with a uniformed chauffeur and a just-married card on the limo. There are additional packages that include round trips for shopping and sightseeing for the guests and pick-up prior-to-wedding bachelor and spinster parties.

Read their policy fine print, to avoid being overcharged for exceeding time and not getting refund for deposit or cancellation.

Also enquire about the insurance they have, whether they own the limo or just lease it. ?You can also book a party bus rental which seats up to 40 people at a time. So your friends, folks and relatives too can arrive to the venue stress free and in style. So sit back and take in the vibes. An uber-expensive vehicle, lavish interior, the best amenities at hand and a courteous and professional chauffeur dressed as per the occasion will make certain you have a ride that you will treasure among your blissful memoirs.

If you?re tying the knot in LA, check out Wedding Limo Service by ?You are all set to go.


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Obama to meet Netanyahu at White House on March 5 (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - President Barack Obama will meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on March 5, the White House said on Monday.


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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Work place Safety ? Welding Total eye Safety | Party Search

Welding can be described as satisfying career thinking about but it?s also a hazardous one.

Fragile Url Between Report and Safer Behavior ?Safety statistics? business articles unreliable for several reasons.

Some workplaces become more prone to make sure you fires key note speaker others, with regards to the nature for the business. A work environment where workers will not be afraid to make sure you report deadly conditions along with where that they know so, who to are accountable to is appropriate. This may very well be inhaled, absorbed, or are exposed to the skin such as spillage.

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Follow the big money trends in online gaming | Virtual NEWS Now

??Zynga dominates the market with casual and chance-based games, which tend to appeal to an older, more female audience. Companies like Kixeye are going after male players with games that focus on combat, action and strategy.

Major players include Disney-owned Playdom, which this week will unveil an ambitious combat game called ?Marvel Avengers Alliance? on Facebook; and Kabam, which brands itself as the first hard-core social gaming company and has attracted millions of users with games like ?Edgeworld? and ?Dragons of Atlantis.?

Together, they?re competing for the estimated $24 billion that gamers will spend this year on online games, a figure expected to grow to $27 billion next year, according to analysts. Free-to-play games, which make money by selling various enhancements to the play experience, are already the biggest segment of the market and also the fastest-growing.?

Read more: San Francisco Chronicle

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Monday, February 20, 2012

Family Fun Holiday Activities | Article Directory

Just what fun activities could you incorporate into your loved ones life that makes Xmas memorable and
interesting? Plenty, really. You will discover the traditional and the issues a little bit out of the box.

Remember your childhood and xmas time in your house. Are there particular memories which have been
clearer than others? Those are likely the tradition your parents created for everyone siblings.
Trying to generate traditions in your own home with your personal children is one way to make Christmas
fun, exciting and memorable. Maybe it?s decorating biscuits, or making gingerbread buildings. Maybe
when you were younger your own mom always received something yummy stinking coming from the kitchen.
You could make the same tradition by merely keeping potpourri warmed together with smelling nice, if you do not
have the time to prepare frequently.

If you want to complete a fun family process in the kitchen, but baking?s not your thing, you can make a good
variety of other gifts in your kitchen. Your offspring love making chocolate as well as candy covered pretzel
branches, and you can pair people who have homemade hot cocoa merge to give as gift ideas.

Be sure to incorporate songs into your family?s practices. How about some family members fun singing
Holiday carols or creating your individual family music Compact disc? Record your family singing Christmas carols
and use which CD as your popular music CD for the holidays. If you all are particularly talented, you could help make
these look quite and give them while gifts.

Many family members like to cut down their own personal Christmas tree. This is a really fun friends and family activity that can
convey a lot to the Xmas season. Christmas shrub farms are located everywhere you look. Check
into a nearby grower?s group for areas. You simply show up, take hold of a saw (this is certainly mom or father?s job)
and get hunting. Depending on the area of the tree place, you might walk simply a short distance, or simply
you might have to rise up and down hills and far into the farm?s reaches to search out just the right tree.

To include even more fun to the current activity, create another family tradition that can annually go with the
tree cutting. It may be as simple as also having lunch (at the very same place each year) and also picking up
candy you eat in the car on the way residence. You might also add a browsing excursion to the time; after
the woods is safe at home inside of a bucket of water, you might all go shopping being a family for some innovative

Other exciting family activities may incorporate annual visits to certain places in your community. Does your
town produce an annual ?Christmas tree lane? where by all the homes using one street decorate (from time to time in
an excessive fashion) for the holiday season? You can make a lifestyle of driving outside each
year, as well as walking the entire block, if the weather makes it possible for. Walking gives the young children a chance to see some
of the details of the different d?cor items.

Many youngsters think hot cocoa is the most essential part of the Christmas period. If that?s the case with
your own, you could start a fun household activity each year that you make a big group of hot cocoa combine at
the start of 12 months. Let the kids possess a small cup each night before bed during the four week period of
December and also closer to Christmas, create special items to hot cocoa, like little marshmallows one
nighttime and whipped cream a further. Be sure to leave that family-made hot cocoa for Santa claus on Christmas
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How Real Estate Postcards Can Help You Sell | South Jersey Real ...

For many real estate agents, the idea behind marketing solutions to help spread the word is a very real problem that many people are currently having to deal with. The difficulty of how to get more potential customers to see your properties and be informed so that they may buy can be a hard problem to solve. With real estate postcards, you will find that it helps potential customers stay informed.

Getting people familiar with you, your work, and the properties you offer is half the battle to selling and buying homes. When people recognize your name, they will be more inclined to want to work with you for their real estate needs. That is where a good marketing strategy really comes into play.

Real estate postcards have worked for many professionals in the year in getting new clients and expanding the amount of people who know about them. When someone receives one of the postcards in the mail they instantly see the company who sends them out and may remember that name for a later date when they need to either buy or sell a property.

One of the most common forms of real estate postcards are ?Just Sold? postcards which provide information on what types of properties a company works with and for what amount of money said properties typically go for. It is also good marketing because the community sees that the company does a lot of business and is well trusted.

One problem that most real estate agents or companies consistently have a problem with is getting new clients to keep them going in the business. Without clients, the real estate market would be dead, and so the more people who know about you and your business the better.

The type of real estate postcard that you are most likely familiar with are those that represent ?Just Listed? properties. These postcards feature new properties that have just been put on the market and provide all the information on the property, including price, size, and location. These types of postcards can help any agent or company gain new clients.

The best thing about real estate postcards is that they do not focus on any special tactics to sell real estate. It is just as simple as letting the properties speak and sell themselves. The postcards are just an easy medium that real estate professionals use to make people aware of the properties.

Trying to become a successful real estate agent can be extremely difficult, especially when you are not utilizing proven marketing strategies that will make you successful. Real estate postcards can help you gain the business that you want for an affordable price.

Tori is a real estate consultant who specializes in real estate marketing products.

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

Answer to Shocking 'Faster-Than-Light' Particles Expected Soon (

[unable to retrieve full-text content] - VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Physicists stunned the world last year by announcing they'd seen signs that particles called neutrinos were traveling faster than light — a feat thought to be proven impossible by Einstein. Ever since, other researchers have been racing to try the experiment on their own to see if the findings hold up.


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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Listen to the Engadget Mobile podcast, live at 5PM ET with special guest Dan Seifert!

We know a certain OS update will be the Mountain Lion in the room, but there was plenty of other interesting nuggets of wireless wisdom splashed around on the 'webs these past seven days. Join Myriam Joire, Brad Molen, Joseph Volpe and Dan Seifert from MobileBurn to get your regular fix of this week's news and rants, and geek out with us as we get ready for Mobile World Congress, now a week away! Listen in live at 5PM EST.

February 17, 2012 5:00 PM EST

Continue reading Listen to the Engadget Mobile podcast, live at 5PM ET with special guest Dan Seifert!

Listen to the Engadget Mobile podcast, live at 5PM ET with special guest Dan Seifert! originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 17 Feb 2012 15:50:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Merkel optimistic over Greek deal, spokesman says (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

A Greek flag is reflected on smashed windows of a bank in Athens on Thursday Feb. 16, 2012.  Mounting confusion over whether Greece will get vital bailout cash to avoid defaulting next month is rekindling fears that Europe's debt crisis will spread to bigger countries like Italy.(AP Photo/Dimitri Messinis)AP - A spokesman for German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she and the leaders of Italy and Greece are "optimistic" that a second massive bailout for Greece can be agreed next week.


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Friday, February 17, 2012

Why Investing in Gold Production Stocks is a Good Idea | Capital ...

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There is very little question Any gold production stocks In considered the range of today, And wise people Become Heading Most of the ?Money Market Funds ?into gold production stock. Financial consultants Commonly meaning reaping overhead Received from gold?s firm increase. In older Period of months, AgnicoEagle, Goldcorp and Barrick Used to be lagging Hiding behind in gold production. However, Those Fresh profitability has produced Your size simple that they?re going to dwarf Other in market. That need be precise, Barrick Gold Enhanced 2.4and Goldcorp Licensed 4.6Key elements the earth?s Toilet training premier gold production company. Also, Agnico-Eagle Complex 6mong Tolerant Developed production rate, Having To their Lastly broadest in Canada.


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Thursday, February 16, 2012

France presses for Syria aid corridors at U.N. (Reuters)

PARIS (Reuters) ? France said Wednesday it wanted the U.N. Security Council to set up humanitarian corridors in Syria to alleviate civilian suffering and that it was negotiating with Russia on a new U.N. resolution on the conflict.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said his country, which has already joined China in vetoing two Security Council resolutions on Syria, could not support using the U.N. body to "help legitimize" regime change in Damascus.

Paris suggested in November creating a safe passage for relief organizations, with Syrian approval or an international mandate, to get food and medicine to civilians caught up in an 11-month-old struggle to topple President Bashar al-Assad.

"The idea of humanitarian corridors that I previously proposed, to allow NGOs to reach the zones where there are scandalous massacres, should be discussed at the Security Council," Foreign Minister Alain Juppe told France Info radio.

Lavrov was non-committal when asked whether Russia support such a plan. "It's impossible to answer such questions without having language (details) in your hands," he told reporters.

On February 4, Russia and China blocked a draft Security Council resolution supporting an Arab League call for Assad step aside as part of a transition to democracy, provoking strong criticism from the Western and Arab states pushing for the measure.

Since then, violence has intensified, with Syrian forces attacking opposition strongholds. Wednesday troops backed by armored personnel carriers stormed a Damascus suburb.

Under the French plan, humanitarian corridors would link Syrian population centers to the frontiers of Turkey, Lebanon or Jordan, to the Mediterranean coast or to an airport.

Juppe has said the zone could be protected by armed "observers," but has ruled out direct military intervention.

A diplomatic source said a U.N. resolution would be needed to create the corridors, but who would protect it, be it peacekeepers or unarmed observers, was still to be assessed. Financing of such an operation would depend on its form.

Juppe plans to discuss the plan with Lavrov in Vienna on Thursday.


Juppe and his ambassador to Syria met a dozen aid and human rights groups Tuesday to discuss what they needed to provide support to besieged Syrians.

"There is a humanitarian crisis developing as a result of the political repression and we are seeing a serious problem with access to food, potable water and medicine as well as using the denial of healthcare to repress," said Antoine Bernard, executive director at the Paris-based International Federation for Human Rights, which attended the meeting with Juppe.

After the talks Paris announced a 1 million euro ($1.31 million) fund for aid agencies involved with Syria and said he would propose a similar one at an international level when a "Friends of Syria" contact group meets in Tunisia next week.

Bernard said the French proposal followed Sunday's Arab League resolution which called for Arab and international plans for humanitarian action. Among these, he said, was a proposal from Jordan for a refugee camp on its border with Syria.

Juppe said Paris was renegotiating the resolution at the Security Council to try to persuade the Russians to change their position. The source said that it was too early to say if the corridors would be included in that resolution.

At the United Nations, the General Assembly is due to vote Thursday on a draft resolution that backs the Arab League plan and calls for the appointment of a joint U.N.-League envoy on Syria. There are no vetoes in General Assembly votes and its decisions are not legally binding.

Juppe said the "symbolic" vote would add to pressure on the Syrian government.

France, the first Western nation to recognize the Libyan opposition early in 2011, has championed the opposition protests in Syria, where it says at least 6,000 people have died.

It considers the opposition Syrian National Council, whose leader is based in Paris, a legitimate partner, but has said it needs to do more to unite its various sectarian strands.

Paris was also behind the U.N. resolution to create a no-fly zone over Libya that permitted action by foreign military forces, including NATO. Russia believes it was misled on that resolution and has vowed to not make the same mistake twice.

The frontrunner for this year's presidential elections, Socialist Francois Hollande, has backed President Nicolas Sarkozy's stance on Syria and called for the United Nations to refer the matter to the International Criminal Court.

(Additional reporting by Anthony Deutsch in Amsterdam; Editing by Alistair Lyon)


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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

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Summary Box: Markets fall, then rally, on Greece (AP)

GREECE IS STILL THE WORD: The stock market languished for most of Tuesday, weighed down by news that Greece's debt talks were on the verge of breaking down the country's economy shrank 7 percent in the fourth quarter. Stocks rallied in the final 20 minutes after a report indicated Greece's conservative party leader could help clear the way for spending cuts that lenders are demanding.

NEAR A MILESTONE: The Dow continues to veer tantalizingly close to the 13,000 mark, a milestone it hasn't reached since early 2008, before the financial crisis imploded. The average closed at 12,878.28, its third-highest close for the year.

RETAIL THERAPY: Retail sales rose 0.4 percent in January, less than the 0.7 percent analysts were hoping for. Car sales fell and clothing sales were flat, indicating that consumers are still wary of spending on non-necessities.


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U.S. Navy: Iran prepares suicide bomb boats in Gulf (Reuters)

MANAMA (Reuters) ? Iran has built up its naval forces in the Gulf and prepared boats that could be used in suicide attacks, but the U.S. Navy can prevent it from blocking the Strait of Hormuz, the commander of U.S. naval forces in the region said on Sunday.

Iran has made a series of threats in recent weeks to disrupt shipping in the Gulf or strike U.S. forces in retaliation if its oil trade is shut down by sanctions, or if its disputed nuclear program comes under attack.

"They have increased the number of submarines ... they increased the number of fast attack craft," Vice Admiral Mark Fox told reporters. "Some of the small boats have been outfitted with a large warhead that could be used as a suicide explosive device. The Iranians have a large mine inventory."

"We have watched with interest their development of long range rockets and short, medium and long range ballistic missiles and of course ... the development of their nuclear program," Fox, who heads the U.S. Fifth Fleet, said at a briefing on the fleet's base in the Gulf state of Bahrain.

Iran now has 10 small submarines, he said.

Military experts say the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet patrolling the Gulf - which always has at least one giant supercarrier accompanied by scores of jets and a fleet of frigates and destroyers - is overwhelmingly more powerful than Iran's navy.

But ever since al Qaeda suicide bombers in a small boat killed 17 sailors on board the destroyer U.S.S. Cole in a port in Yemen in 2000, Washington has been wary of the vulnerability of its huge battleships to bomb attacks by small enemy craft.

Asked whether the U.S. Navy was prepared for an attack or other trouble in the Gulf, Fox said: "We are very vigilant, we have built a wide range of options to give the president and we are ready... What if it happened tonight? We are ready today."

Iranian officials have threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz, the outlet to the Gulf through which nearly all of the Middle East's oil sails.

Asked if he took Iran's threats seriously, Fox said: "Could they make life extremely difficult for us? Yes they could. If we did nothing and they were able to operate without being inhibited, yeah they could close it, but I can't see that we would ever be in that position."

He added that diplomacy should be given priority in resolving the tension.

"So when you hear discussion about all this overheated rhetoric from Iran we really believe that the best way to handle this is with diplomacy... I am absolutely convinced that is the way to go. It is our job to be prepared. We are vigilant."

Contacts between the U.S. Navy and Iranian craft in the Gulf region were routine, Fox said, referring to cases where his sailors helped Iranian ships that were in distress or threatened by pirates.

In addition to commanding the Fifth Fleet, Fox is also the commander of a multinational naval task force charged with ensuring Gulf shipping routes stay open. Although most of its firepower is American, the task force also includes other Western countries and the Gulf Arab states.

The European Union slapped an embargo on Iranian oil last month, which is due to kick in completely by July 1. The United States and EU have both imposed new sanctions on Iran's central bank which make it difficult for countries to pay Tehran for oil and for Iran to pay for the goods it imports.

(Corrects date of Cole attack in para 7, fixes typo in paragraph 10)

(Editing by Firouz Sedarat and Peter Graff)


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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

BeantownEats {We Eat It. You Read It.} ? Boston MA Food and Drink ...

Whether you are cooking up a candle-light dinner or dining out at a romantic hotspot, here are a few cocktail recipes to celebrate Valentine?s Day.

Every Kiss Begins with? Champagne

  • 1 oz Aperol
  • 3/4 oz gin
  • 1/4 oz fresh lemon juice
  • Prosecco
  • Dash of good grenadine (optional, and use a good one like Stirrings)

Shake the first three ingredients over ice. ?Pour into champagne flute. ?Top with prosecco, and grenadine if desired. Garnish with a lemon twist.

Cupid?s Arrow

  • 2 oz Pama (pomegranate liqueur)
  • 3/4 oz triple sec
  • splash vodka
  • 1 barspoon (~1 tsp) fresh lemon juice
  • Prosecco

Shake the first four ingredients over ice. ?Pour into a cocktail glass. ?Top with prosecco and garnish with an orange twist.

Note: The combination of the triple sec and Pama add sweetness to this concoction, but not it?s not as sweet as we thought it would be. ?If you like drinks to be really sweet, add a little more Pama.?

Old Pal

For any of the ladies looking to impress their man this Valentine?s Day, try this rye whiskey recipe for a smooth-drinking and easy-to-make cocktail.

Adapted from The PDT Cocktail Book?

  • 2 oz rye whiskey (Ryan & Wood is a nice one)
  • 3/4 oz dry vermouth
  • 3/4 oz Campari

Combine all ingredients over ice and stir. ?Strain into a rocks glass.

Note: If you don?t have these ingredients on hand, they won?t go to waste if you want to include them as part of your V-Day gift to your man. ?


Do you have a special Valentine?s Day drink?

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Kapow! Con Announces Guests, TV & Movie Plans - Comic Book ...

After locking in dates for a second engagement at London's Business Design Centre, Islington on May 19 and 20, the Kapow! Comic Con masterminded by comics writer Mark Millar has released a full lineup of guests for this spring, and CBR News has advance details on the creators attending, the role fans can play in bringing a new summer blockbuster to the show for an early preview, its TV coverage plans and the voting for the second annual Stan Lee Awards.

On the guest list front, Marvel Comics Chief Creative Officer will be the guest of honour ? the artist's first time ever as the guest of a British convention. In addition, writer Warren Ellis will conduct a special one[hour "Audience with Warren Ellis" panel, popular British comedians Frankie Boyle and Jimmy Carr will stop through to anchor a panel for Millar's "CLiNT" magazine, and a host of other comic talents will be appearing including "Defenders" artist Terry Dodson, also making his UK con debut (for a full list of attendees, see the PR below).

In the realm of media, Kapow! is running a special promotion where attendees can help pick which summer movie will get an early preview at the show. Last year, the con unveiled the superhero dramedy "Super" starring Rain Wilson. This year, fans can send an e-mail to

"Thor and Loki made a big impression last year and the studios were really pleased with the response," Millar told CBR. "We've had lots of offers to preview or even screen entire movies, but obviously the con is only on for two days and we have a full line-up as is. We can preview two movies and screen one in total. We're keen to hear from readers what they suggest."

In addition, the writer explained, "We're going to have the cast of an upcoming comic-book movie live on stage. You'll hear what this in the next few weeks and this is one of several enormous announcements we're breaking exclusively on CBR between now and May 2 when the full blockbuster movie and television line-up is being announced." But until that cast can be unveiled, the organizer was happy to announce that "Kapow! will be recorded for television this year and highlights broadcast a week after the event," he said. "Music and movie news is considered mainstream enough for television. We even have the Glastonbury Highlights Show in the UK broadcast soon after the musical festival here every Summer. Spider-Man and Batman are bigger than any band, and I want to have an interview on TV be as important as an interview with a rock star or movie star. We've been doing a lot of work putting this together in the background and the visibility on terrestrial television after the event is going to take Kapow! to a whole new level. As far as I'm aware, nobody's ever done anything like this with a comic show before."

Finally, Millar revealed the panel who will create the nominee lineup for the second annual Stan Lee Awards. This year, the panel will include CBR's own Jeffrey Renaud as well as artist Klaus Janson, director James Gunn, Josh Wilding from Comic Book Movie, Adrian Hieatt from AICN, Iron Man screenwriter Drew Pearce, lettering legend John Workman, Lev Grossman from Time Magzine, Jonah Weiland and Brian Cronin from CBR, John Mosby from Impact magazine, former Marvel and DC editor Jenny Lee, comic journalists Jill Pantozzi, Chris Arrant, Ryan Lindsay, Emma Jeffers, former Atomic Comics owner Mike Malve, Richard George from IGN, music journalist Billy Chainsaw, geek journalist Rick Marshall and Simon Brew from Den of Geek. The online poll for fan voting on the Stan Lee Awards will be available as of Monday, February 20.

Check out the full guest lineup for Kapow! 2012 below and on their homepage at, and stay tuned to CBR News for more updates on the event.

Official Press Release




Joe Quesada was appointed as Marvel's editor-in-chief in 2000, the first artist to achieve such a position. As editor-in-chief of the largest comic book publisher in the business, he has shaped and defined the American industry's biggest moves for the last ten years.

In 2010 Joe became the Chief Creative Officer of Marvel Entertainment, a position in which he oversees the creative aspects of media adaptations of Marvel properties, including story and script development for movies, TV and gaming as well as the world famous comic division. Joe also helps to ensure that all portrayals of Marvel's characters and stories remain true to the essence of Marvel, keeping fans happy. He's the longest-serving Editor in Chief since Stan Lee and we're delighted to have him on a rare visit to London.


Come and meet two of the country?s greatest comedians as Jimmy Carr interviews Frankie Boyle live on stage to talk about his work for CLINT Magazine and his love of comic-books. A MUST SEE EVENT!


Award-winning writer Warren Ellis answers questions on his illustrious career and his future plans.


Bryan Hitch (Ultimates) introduces America?s Got Powers, a collaboration between himself and TV host and comic book writer Jonathan Ross (Turf).


Olivier Coipel, Charlie Adlard, Paul Grist, Mike Carey, Glenn Fabry, Sean Phillips, Eric Stephenson plus Rian Hughes, Matt Smith, Rob Williams, Simon Spurrier and the creators of "Bayou Arcana."


? Frank Quitely

? Mark Millar

? Dougie Braithwaite

? Paul Cornell

? C.B. Cebulski

? Shaky Kane

? Nick Spencer

? David Lloyd

? Dave Gibbons

? Kieron Gillen

? Peter Milligan

? Ian Churchill

? Andy Diggle

? Jock

? Steve Parkhouse

? Steve Yeowell

? John McCrea

? David Hine

? Adi Granov

? Simon Furman

? Chris Weston

? James Hodgkins

? Paul Hogan

Tickets for Kapow! are only available in advance and through the website Tickets for Kapow! 2011 sold out ahead of the event, so get your tickets now.

Kapow! Comic Convention is an event run by Brightstar Events and has no connection or affiliation with San Diego Comic-Con or Comic-Con International.

Tags: ?kapow! comic con, mark millar, stan lee awards


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Another 'Lula' on the rise in Venezuela?

A primary election in Venezuela today looks set to elevate Henrique Capriles Radonski, a politician who models himself after a former Brazilian president, as the main challenger to Hugo Chavez.

Venezuelans are at the polls today voting to select an opposition candidate to face off against President Hugo Chavez in Oct. 7 elections.

Skip to next paragraph

To many observers, the upcoming race is the best chance that the historically divided opposition has of defeating the popular President Chavez, who has been in office for 13 years.

Polls have the charismatic state governor Henrique Capriles Radonski, who rides motorbikes into the poor barrios of the capital, as the frontrunner in today's primary ? and the challenger that Chavez should most fear.

In an interview with the Monitor earlier this year,? Mr. Capriles said a new political model is possible in Venezuela ? one that blends a commitment to helping the poor while still focusing on economic growth. ??I'm in a process of constructing a political change,? he said. ?I don't represent the old establishment.?

?If you don't understand the social reality of this country, you're dead,? Capriles went on to say. And like many Latin American leaders seeking office, he is attempting to capitalize on the popularity of the policies of former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. ??I 100 percent follow the model of Lula,? said Capriles.

Chavez has been in office since 1999, voted in with the help of the middle class and the poor who were sick of the old elite. With a windfall from high oil prices in the OPEC county, Chavez was able to invest billions in social programs for the poor. He has remained wildly popular, pushing through constitutional changes and winning office in landslides.

But the weariness that comes with any long-time rule has started to impact his popularity. He has also been accused of focusing on the poor for electoral support while the economy suffers, with the highest inflation rate in the region. Caracas has also become exceedingly dangerous. The nation was stunned last year when he announced that he had cancer. Though he says he is better, his illness might impact the image of ?invincibility? that once surrounded him.

More than anything, the opposition, which has languished amid internal squabbling and accusations of being out of touch with regular Venezuelans, has finally come together.

While Capriles has led the primary race, his greatest challenger today is Pablo Perez, another state governor from Zulia. The other three candidates in the race are congresswoman Maria Corina Machado, Diego Arria, a former UN official, and Pablo Medina, a former Chavez ally.

See this Reuters ?facts? page for full background on all five candidates.?

No matter who wins today, he or she will face an uphill battle to the highest office in Venezuela ? but perhaps for the first time in over a decade Venezuela will have a race this October without a foregone conclusion.


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Monday, February 13, 2012

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Technical students, who are seeking student loans, must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), available on the web. The FAFSA document may be the place to start, allowing a determination of what student education loans you are capable of be eligible for a, along with grants that could be available, based upon your financial need. You are able to complete the application form for free at the FAFSA website. When it comes to loan financing, it is vital to ensure that you are attending a federally accredited institution. This can be checked at ?The Department of Education Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions? website ope.ed. Out of this database, you can determine whether a plane mechanic school is accredited, and also the date of accreditation.

Some school funding opportunities include Federal Pell Grants, Federal Stafford Loans, Alternative Student education loans, Federal Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students (PLUS), and in addition Veteran?s Training.

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You need to be considered an United States citizen or perhaps a qualifying permanent resident.
The college you attend should be licensed from the Department of Education in the state where it?s located.
The financial institution may also have strictly upheld additional requirements.
The regards to your loan and interest rate, can also be depending on your credit rating.

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